We’ve proven ourselves!
Since 1997, thousands of participants have used our service to go abroad, in over thirty countries across Latin America, Asia, Africa and Europe. We have joined forces with several grassroots organizations abroad. Our partners are ready to welcome volunteers, provide support and an introduction to the local culture.
Although every participant and internship is unique, HorizonCosmopolite has developed an expertise in solidarity trips – all for your benefit!
05 September 2017
It’s time to register for the Discovery Program in Guatemala for the winter! A group departure is available at the end of December and the duration of the stay is 2 […]
15 May 2017
You still have two weeks to subsribe to the Discovery Program group to spend time with amazing people in Guatemala next summer! We extended our deadline to May 25th. For […]
20 March 2017
It’s time to register for the Discovery Program in Guatemala for the summer! The deadline is April 28th ! More details >>